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Online Booking System

  • Once you are ready to book a tour and make payment within 7 days (or sooner for tours coming up quickly) to secure your booking, this system will take you through the required steps to book a tour and will provide payment options at the end of the process. Note that partial payment is not an option and therefore you should only book guests who you are paying for – during the booking process, you will have the option to inform us if you are traveling with other guests on the same tour.
  • Whether you have traveled with Good Times Travel in the past, or booking your first tour with us, you will be prompted to register for a new account before booking your first tour in this Online Booking System once you click 'continue' below.
  • If you've already booked a tour that you now want to pay for, please do not book the tour again but rather click “My Account” above to access “My Tours” and pay for your booking there.
  • This system is a 'live' system and will display the number of seats currently available and hold your requested number of seats for 30 minutes to allow you time to complete the booking process.
  • Do not use the “back” button in your browser – only use the bright blue navigation buttons where provided to move forward and back. If you see a blue question mark, hold you cursor over it for more information.
  • Should you be unable to complete the booking process or need assistance, try watching this helpful, 6-minute video we created, and if necessary contact us by phone at (714) 848-1255, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. (Pacific Time), and we will be happy to assist you.

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